jueves, 23 de mayo de 2013

My Canadian buddy

My buddies have been very good to me. They have helped me a lot with everything at school. Emily is 14 years old and she is in grade 8 in my class. Katie is 13, she is in grade 7 and she is a very happy and funny person. I really like them because they are good and helpful people. I enjoy being with them at recess, lunch or during class time. Last Thursday I had fun with Emily and the others on our trip to Halifax. I am going to miss them when we leave.
My buddy’s name is Morgan AuCoin. She is 13 years old. She is a very good person. She helps me with all kinds of things I need, like to know where my classroom is.  She is also a very social person. She has a lot of friends.
 José Tomás
My buddy is Jorge Alarcon. He is a very funny person who has helped me a lot here in the school and outside. He is another international student from Colombia. He is from Bogotá same as me so we get along very well. He loves track and field and he is going to regional games this coming Friday, I hope he wins. We are very good friends now. He usually introduces me to new people which are great and help me especially when I get lost in the hallway.

María Antonia
My buddy's name is Taylor Dulong.  She is 13 years old and she's in 8th grade. I like Taylor a lot because she has been a helping hand to me and she has been extremely kind and a good friend. She has also helped me with problems that I've had here and we've shared a lot of wonderful times together. Having a buddy like her has been amazing to me.

My buddy’s name is Kaitlyn. She is a very kind and sweet girl. I have shared a lot of time with her, in school and outside the school too. We have been at school dances, pajama parties and Halifax trip. She is 14 years old and is in my same grade (8). She has been very important for me because we have shared a lot of time. I love her personality.
My buddy is one of the best persons in Canada, her name is Sophie Surette. She helps me in everything I need. She is very funny. She likes pop music and she is in 7 grade.
 Camilo Ribero
Andrea Oguntade is 13 years old. She is a very good buddy because she helps me when I don’t understand something. Grayson Pinkney is 13 too. He helps me in class or in the school every time I need it.

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